baseline.css tests


The page should have a default (arrow) cursor

The page should not scale below 300px wide

The page should force a vertical scrollbar

Should hide the tap highlight color in iOS and Android

Ut scelerisque aptent curabitur commodo


Should have sans-serif font family

Lacus ac ligula pulvinar elit mauris ad eget quisque platea mi nam proin a quam adipiscing

Should have a font size of 14px (1.4em)

Lacus ac ligula pulvinar elit mauris ad eget quisque platea mi nam proin a quam adipiscing

Should have a font color of #333

Lacus ac ligula pulvinar elit mauris ad eget quisque platea mi nam proin a quam adipiscing

Should have a line height of 1.5

Per tristique vestibulum pulvinar eget a sociosqu parturient adipiscing ipsum suspendisse pretium a vestibulum ullamcorper scelerisque bibendum a. Dictum commodo non risus per dolor imperdiet a ultrices scelerisque a porta adipiscing condimentum parturient massa placerat vulputate lobortis diam. Inceptos a a id id nascetur a elementum ac facilisis a condimentum suspendisse aliquam volutpat mi lobortis adipiscing tempus convallis adipiscing.

html, body

The page should always fill at least the entire height of the viewport

*, ::before, ::after

Should have no default styling from the browser (padding, margin, border, background)

Backgrounds should not repeat

Elements should inherit their typography

Lacus ac ligula pulvinar elit mauris ad eget quisque platea mi nam proin a quam adipiscing

Elements should have a box-sizing of border-box by default

Elements should inherit their box-sizing


Should have a font color of #337ab7 with no text decoration by default


a:hover, a:focus

Should transition to a font color of #095f8a

Link 2


Should have an underline text decoration on hover

Link 3


Should have an outline on focus

Link 4


Should be bold and have a font size of 2.6em

Heading 1


Should be bold and have a font size of 2.2em

Heading 2


Should be bold and have a font size of 1.8em

Heading 3


Should be bold and have a font size of 1.6em

Heading 4


Should be bold and have a font size of 1.4em

Heading 5


Should be bold and have a font size of 1.2em

Heading 6

p + *

Should restore the margin between a paragraph and the next element

Lacus ac ligula pulvinar elit mauris ad eget

quisque platea mi nam proin a quam adipiscing


Empty paragraphs should be hidden

@media (max-width: 767px)

Should force word breaks on small screens



Should center the main content

Suscipit dui parturient placerat per suspendisse a ante a ridiculus elementum scelerisque condimentum aliquam sodales. Sed elit morbi vitae ac scelerisque parturient adipiscing proin pharetra a feugiat phasellus tempor ultrices ad adipiscing vestibulum ut elit senectus gravida a lacus a adipiscing vestibulum accumsan adipiscing. Mattis parturient tristique placerat sem eget lobortis felis dignissim urna vestibulum curabitur ligula parturient suspendisse a odio purus dis pulvinar a. Adipiscing parturient gravida purus a vulputate vestibulum feugiat gravida ullamcorper ornare tellus fames potenti duis tincidunt urna urna per.

Should automatically apply clearfix to floating elements


A table should not have any border separation or spacing

1 2 3
1 2 3

nav ol, nav ul

Should remove the list style on navigation lists

blockquote, q

Should remove default quotes

Lacus ac ligula pulvinar elit mauris ad eget quisque platea mi nam proin a quam adipiscing

abbr[title], dfn[title]

Should indicate that an element is a helpful resource with the help cursor



Should provide scrollbars if the content exceeds its height

            Suscipit dui parturient placerat per suspendisse a ante a ridiculus elementum scelerisque condimentum aliquam sodales. Sed elit morbi vitae ac scelerisque parturient adipiscing proin pharetra a feugiat phasellus tempor ultrices ad adipiscing vestibulum ut elit senectus gravida a lacus a adipiscing vestibulum accumsan adipiscing. Mattis parturient tristique placerat sem eget lobortis felis dignissim urna vestibulum curabitur ligula parturient suspendisse a odio purus dis pulvinar a. Adipiscing parturient gravida purus a vulputate vestibulum feugiat gravida ullamcorper ornare tellus fames potenti duis tincidunt urna urna per.

Should preserve new lines, spaces, and tabs but force text wrapping

            Suscipit dui parturient placerat per suspendisse a ante a ridiculus elementum scelerisque condimentum aliquam sodales. 
 Sed elit morbi vitae ac scelerisque parturient adipiscing proin pharetra a feugiat phasellus tempor

button, input, select, textarea

Should remove the default styling in all browsers

button, label, input[type="button"], input[type="submit"], input[type="reset"], input[type="file"], input[type="image"]

Should indicate that a form element is actionable with a pointer cursor


Should prevent button text from being selectable


Should restore button focus outline in Firefox/IE


Should allow only vertical resizing of textareas

select[multiple], select[size]

Should not have a fixed height or scrollbars


Should reset the font color of the selected option value to the body font color (IE 11+)

input, select

Should align labels to the middle of the field


Should align labels with the radio button


Should align labels with the checkbox

select[multiple], select[size], textarea

Should align labels to the top of the field

input[readonly], textarea[readonly]

Should grey out a readonly field and display default cursor

input[readonly]:focus, textarea[readonly]:focus, input[readonly]:active, textarea[readonly]:active

Should remove the focus outline for readonly inputs and textareas


Should indicate than a form field element is disabled via transparency and cursor

Should prevent resizing

Should remove the focus outline


Should indicate than a form field element is invalid via outline color

audio, canvas, iframe, img, svg, video

Should remove the default white space at the bottom of the element

audio, embed, img, object, video

Should make media elements responsive by default

img[width], img[height]

Should disable responsiveness if an image has width and/or height attributes


Should not be focusable via keyboard navigation


a, area, button, input, label, select, textarea, [tabindex]:not([tabindex="-1"])

Should remove the click delay on mobile devices


[aria-disabled]:not(:disabled), [disabled]:not(:disabled)

Should indicate than a non-form element is disabled via transparency and cursor


Should prevent user interaction


Should remove the focus outline



Should remove the text shadow on text selections

Lacus ac ligula pulvinar elit mauris ad eget quisque platea mi nam proin a quam adipiscing


Should indicate that an element is in a busy/loading state with a loading cursor

[aria-controls], [role="button"]

Should indicate that an element is a button/control with a pointer cursor



Should allow hidden elements to be accessible when focused